Thank you for talking

of ASEAN medical-equipment companies.
I really appreciate your kind advices with detailed information about your business.

of various products,
tools and parts in various fields, for example, automobile industry,
industries of electric appliances and electronic parts ,
amusement industry, beauty industry, hairdressing, medical industry, lighting industry
and office equipment including copying machines.

with our various processing techniques for a wide range of materials such as resins,
metals, rubbers etc.

contractor for each of our customers.
For achieving the goal, we devote all of our knowledge and know-how
from our abundant experiences and provide products with a quality better than
your expectation.
We again thank you for your attention, and hope to build strong business relationship
with you. Yours very truly,

Kenji Miyamoto, President
Arice Inc.
2-8, Kano 4-Chome, Higashi-Osaka, Osaka Pref., 578-0901, Japan
Tel: +81-72-964-2100 Fax: +81-72-964-2101
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